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Loving People and Planet in God's Name:
 Engaging the Local Church in the Study and Practice of Climate Justice

Here is everything you need to lead a two-day Lay Academy session of this new course, specifically customized for Northern Illinois Conference. 


The first item is the lesson guide, with activities and suggested times laid out for this format in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet so that you can enter your own information and print it out for your leaders. 

Next are your Microsoft Powerpoint presentations. Be sure to test them with the technology you'll be using at your venue - they include video. And run them in Presenter mode, so you can read the notes. 

Day 1 Morning 1: Scripture and Theology

Day 1 Morning 2:  Climate Change 101

Day 1 Afternoon: God's Good Gifts

Day 2 Morning 1: Justice

Day 2 Morning 2: 


Day 2 Afternoon:
Next Action

Here are your Microsoft Word handouts. These are provided in Word so you can edit them, add more resources as you wish, and double-check the links, which as we know can be fluid! 

Handout 1: The other Scriptures about Creation

Handout 2: Print, Film, Worship Resources

Handout 3:  SWOT Analysis

Handout 4: SMARTIE Goals


Here are the core documents on which this course is built. 

God's Renewed Creation (Council of Bishops) 

Council of Bishops' Climate Crisis Response

The textbook is Climate Justice: A Call to Hope and Action edited by Pat Watkins, second edition,
available on Kindle here,

and in hard copy from UWF, here.

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Here is the leader guide from Discipleship Ministries, which specifies five two-hour sessions


Feel free to use any of the NIC-specific handouts and slide presentations with this format, as well. 


© 2023 by the Northern Illinois Conference Net-Zero Committee

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