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Lighting and Motion Sensor Projects
Chicago: Broadway UMC

In October, 2024, Broadway United Methodist replaced 123 light fixtures with LED lights, put in motion sensors and exit signs, for a yearly estimated savings of nearly $1500. The cost was over $13,000 but there was no cost to Broadway under a Commonwealth Edison energy efficiency program.


The screw-in sanctuary lighting was not covered by the ComEd program, but the contractor Verde Energy Efficiency Experts also replaced those fixtures for $1330. 

Broadway pastor Rev. Alka Lyall reports that the project "replaced front and back entrance lights and replaced the photo sensors for the parking lot, so the parking lot lights will not be on 24 hours anymore.”



Dick Alton of the NIC Net-Zero Task Force notes: With a ComEd contractor like Verde, assessments are no-cost and include determining how much funding is available as well as estimated savings and best solutions. Switching to LED is a great way to take advantage of the program. LEDs use less energy to create brighter, safer spaces, and have much longer lifespans than fluorescents. For more Information: Sumner Feary,

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