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Annual Carbon Footprint and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Audit for Local Church

Submitted by Ian Urriola
Committee Moves to Adopt 44 to 14
Main Floor Vote to Adopt 606 to 91
Plenary Vote on Main Motion (Consent Calendar); For: 606; Against 91.

Add new subparagraph to ¶ 2533 after ¶ 2533.6.

7. The board of trustees is urged to conduct or cause to be conducted an annual carbon footprint and/or greenhouse gas emissions audit of their buildings, grounds, and facilities to discover and identify what physical, architectural, and communication barriers exist that impede the church from being at least carbon neutral and/or having at least net zero greenhouse gas emissions and make plans and determine priorities for the elimination of such barriers. This audit for churches may be used in filling out the annual church and/or charge conference reports.

© 2023 by the Northern Illinois Conference Net-Zero Committee

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